Wednesday, September 25, 2024

AV#277 - Poor attendance: When the excuses sound pretty lame


Maintain a clear expectation – We want to see you! So show up!

 News accounts of students making an extra effort - in Gaza, Afghanistan, and Ukraine  

   We hope to be sympathetic to the sound reasons students and/or their families give to the school for another absence. We want to be fair.

   However …  and I hope even the most sympathetic observer of those chronically absent can believe there is a however – given the current figures. The Colorado Department of Education reports 28% of students – over 240,000  — missed more than 10%

                           % chronically absent                             Colorado 16-18-year-olds




# of students









# of juniors & seniors chronically absent:     53,157

of school days last year. Not Present over 16 days or more. Slightly better than the previous two post-Covid years, but let’s be honest: THIS IS NOT NORMAL! My AI-generated research tells me we had better attendance in 1876 under the Grant Administration!

   Seriously, such numbers are stunning. And yet how do we convince our young—age 7, or 17—that they will be better off if they attend school most every day of the year?

   I doubt logic will work: “The opportunities that will be available to you if you just...” “You must realize you will be even further behind if you…” It won’t do.

   I’ll try a different tack. I will speak to the heart. Excerpts from three news stories in war-torn countries. To provide some perspective. To show the courage needed to show up. To see how these young people, in hellish circumstances, value their education. With “a message for kids around the world…”

   Nothing is taken for granted.

   Less true here in America, and in Colorado.

   Where it does not seem to matter if you show up.

Gaza – “a message for kids around the world”

From The News Hour, Sept. 5, 2024

By Nick Schifrin


Schifrin: In Deir al Balah in Central Gaza, the classroom is a tent and the students displaced children of war, proud to contribute, eager to learn in a class, rather than from the conflict they have been forced to endure.


Schifrin: Taha Ibrahim is an elementary school teacher, himself displaced, and a volunteer with a French-sponsored program for kids.

Taha Ibrahim, Volunteer Teacher (through interpreter):

   “We're trying to provide relief for children through education and play so they feel better mentally. As educators, we're trying to help students remember what they have learned and at the same time try and cheer them up and relieve them from the pressure they're under, despite ongoing bombing and displacement.”


Schifrin: In a neighboring tent, 8-year-old triplets Lana, Batul and Line Abu Asee, with their younger sister, Bisan, have a message for the kids around the world starting school this week.

Batul Abu Asee, 8 Years Old (through interpreter):

   We're supposed to go to school. Everyone is going back to school, except us in Gaza. You're so lucky.


Schifrin: They have lost their home and been displaced multiple times, but have held on to their dreams.

Lana Abu Asee, 8 Years Old (Batul’s sister):

   “I wanted to be a doctor because I want to help people who aren't feeling well.”

Batul Abu Asee:

   “When I grow up, I want to be a teacher so I can teach kids and they can learn.”


Schifrin: And so the triplets leave their canvas home in the Al-Zawayda camp, which has been their refuge for months, and cross just a few steps over the sand to arrive at their canvas school.

  Tent classrooms like these are all that Gaza's children have in a war where the U.N. says more than 9,500 children enrolled in schools have been killed. Gazans say the entire educational infrastructure has been eviscerated. The U.N. says at least 85 percent of Gaza's schools have been directly hit or damaged.

   And in this war and in every war in Gaza, U.N. schools transformed shelters for nearly two million displaced, … classrooms once filled with students now home to families with nowhere else to go…


Schifrin: Onana Abu Al-Khair (a university student) was studying to be a dentist at one of Gaza's top schools, Al-Azhar University, … The U.N. says all of Gaza's 12 universities have been damaged or destroyed…. Despite it all, Onana Abu Al-Khair tries not to forget what she's learned or what she's lost.

Onana Abu Al-Khair (through interpreter):

   “Gaza was beautiful, with its people, busy streets and food. We want to go back to that because we cannot get used to the situation we're in right now… We are forced and obliged to live this way.”

Her mother, Suhair Abu Al-Khair, Mother of Onana (through interpreter):

   “It's as if we're dying slowly while still alive. We want these young kids and students whose life was taken away from them to be able to live again, so they can get up, get dressed, wear their uniforms, eat breakfast and go to school, see their teachers and their friends, study and excel.”


Schifrin: But those are dreams deferred.

   UNICEF estimates all of Gaza's children, one million people, need mental health and psychosocial support. They have seen too much and had to grow up too fast. 

Maryam Al Nabahin, 4 Years Old (through interpreter):

   “Our home was bombed and there were injured people everywhere. There were rocks, little tiny rocks. I wish I could go to kindergarten, for the war to end and have a new home.” 

Schifrin: But, for so many, there's no going back, back home, back to school, back to what childhood is supposed to be.


The News Hour, PBS, Sept. 5, 2024. Used with permission from PBS News.   

Afghanistan – Secret school for girls

From The Economist, Feb. 26, 2024

By Neggeen Sadid

  Sadid takes us to Roya Azimi’s “secret school for girls,” amidst threats from the local Taliban. Seven women teach 150 girls ages 9 to 18. We learn about several students, including Maryam, 17.


   “Maryam told me she had heard about Azimi’s school through friends, and asked her mother if she could go (she was scared to ask her father directly, she said). Her mother said no, and told Maryam that it was safer to stay at home. When she raised the subject again, her mother shut her down. ‘That’s enough,’ she said, ‘you’ve studied enough.’” 

   Maryam protested. She contacted Azimi and finally gained permission, from her mother first, finally from her father, too, to attend the school.

  “Maryam told me how scared she feels on her walk to school each day. ‘They don’t support us outside,’ she said. When I asked who she meant she said, ‘You know, ordinary people. The shopkeepers, the street vendors.’ It would take only one of them to report her to the Taliban for Maryam and her family to face arrest.”

       Azimi understands the pressures her girls are under, the challenge to focus on their studies.


   “One has a brother who rips up her books.” But Azimi “won’t let her students give in to despair.”

   “You might need 20 years,” she says, “but this is Afghanistan.” She encourages her girls to see the long view. “Be people who know something.”


FOR FULL STORY, go to - “Why I opened a secret school for Afghan girls - When the Taliban cracked down on girls’ education, one woman knew what she had to do,” The Economist, Feb. 26, 2024.


Ukraine – teens in final year of high school “grappling with the realities of war”

From the Associated Press, Sept. 2, 2024

By Hanna Arhirova

    This past summer Arhirova visited a “rehabilitation camp for children affected by war.” The camp took place on Ukraine’s western border, near Slovakia. Her story featured three teenagers approaching senior year.

   Oleksandr Hryshchenko, 16, and his family have stayed in their village, even as many have left. His father has joined the military. When Oleksandr is back in his village, he will attend school online.


“The impact of the war is a constant worry, he said. ‘You think about it every night before bed. You mull over it all day, wondering what comes next.’

“Despite the turmoil, Oleksandr feels he is taking control of his destiny, concentrating on his final year of school, preparing for entrance exams and choosing a university.”

   Kseniia Kucher, 16, of Kharkiv, also studies online. She “dreams of her graduation day [next spring], envisioning a celebration or a trip with her classmates.” She knows it might not happen. Frequent Russian strikes on Kharkiv might cause her family to flee to the west.

“I live in the moment and don’t make big plans for the future because, understanding the current situation … I don’t know what will happen in a year,” she said.


   Valerii Soldatenko, 16, and his family left their home in the east after months under Russian occupation. One reason for their departure: the Russians imposed their curriculum on the schools.


“I really didn’t want to conform to the Russian education system,” he said. “So it was clear that I was at the greatest risk and could put my family in the most danger.”


   He manages to look ahead. After graduation, he plans to attend university. He would like to become a journalist or a history teacher.

FOR FULL STORY, go to - “Three Ukrainian teens begin their final year of high school holding onto hopes for the future,” The Mercury News, Sept. 2, 2024.

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